It's your lovely song, sweetheart..
this song is always remind me of you...
this song is always remind me of you...
Andy Williams
The carpenters
There was a man..a lonely man
who lost his love..through his indifference..
who lost his love..through his indifference..
A heart that cares.. that went unshared
and slowly dies..within his silence..
Now solitaire's the only game in town
and every road that takes
me takes me down
I find myself that's easy to pretend
I'll never love
And deep into myself I play the game
without you love it always
ends the same
while life goes all around me everywhere
I'm playing
Another day a lonely day
so much to say that goes unspoken
and through the night each sleepless night
the eyes are closed the heart is broken..
Now Solitaire's the only game in town
and every road that takes
me takes me down
I find myself that's easy to pretend
I'm coming back
And deep into myself I play the game
without you love it always
ends the same
while life goes all around me everywhere
I'm playing
Lagunya indah mendayu-dayu, i like this song.. Izin donlod, Bun ^^
BalasHapusBoleh Fahrie... My pleasure..:-)
BalasHapuskoq ga sekalian yg versi clay aiken? khan uenak juga tuh....
BalasHapushehe..iya yah...tadinya sih mau gitu, tapi gak jadi takut kebanyakan. And versi Clay Aiken udah banyak improvisasi, jadi agak mendistorsi memoryku thdp lagu ini..*ngomong apa tho.. hehe:p
BalasHapusenak lagunya, apalagi didengar disaat mau bubug, hehehe....
betul...lagunya melow..cocok utk pengantar tidur :-)
Hapuskalau didengar pas acara makan siang, dipastikan dalam kepala sudah terbayang enaknya tidur, hahaha
Hapuslagunya siapa ini yah?
BalasHapusmohon infonya :)
Sepanjang saya tahu lagu Andy Williams..
Hapusaku ndak pernah denger tuh lagu nya mba.. kagu jadul yah mba
BalasHapusLagu jadul yah mba? aku ga pernah denger... hehehehe
BalasHapustadi nya aku kirain lagi maen game solitaire...
Sayang sekali aku gak bisa menikmati lagunya mbak...
BalasHapusJadi aku masih berusaha utk mengingat bagaimana lagunya nih... hehehe