You are the one who always understand my reason of anything..
You know when it's time to support me or when it's time to remind me..
I dont have to explain anything for you
Because you love me unconditionally...
With you, I just be myself....just the way I am
I miss you a lot dear…
You've been the one for me...
You’re not just my husband, you‘re my best friend ever
Rest in peace, sweetheart..
I love u always...
Lampung, 12 July 2011
Salam kenal, terharu aku baca tulisan ini Mbak...
BalasHapusSemoga Mbak dan anak-anak selalu diberikan kesabaran dan kekuatan oleh Sang pemilik Hidup, Aamiin
My good friend,
BalasHapusHe's Always in our hearts.
I can't imagine the sadness you must be feeling from your loss. I also can't imagine your longing for him. I know you are always longing for him.
Again please accept my sympathy for the death of your husband.
You must be strong! So I believe and strongly believe the sun will begin shine again.
My prayers and thoughts are with you and your children during this difficult time.
You are my best friend, and I'm your friend.
With deepest sympathy..
Yours Excellency,
Verry Kusral
My good friend,
BalasHapusHe's always in our hearts.
I can't imagine the sadness you must be feeling from your loss. I also can't imagine your longing for him. I know you are always longing for him.
Again please accept my sympathy for the death of your husband.
You must be strong! So I believe and strongly believe the sun will begin shine again.
My prayers and thoughts are with you and your children during this difficult time.
You are my best friend, and I'm your friend.
With deepest sympathy..
Yours Excellency,
Verry Kusral
BalasHapusaq juga masih kangen papaku bun :(
ayo semangat bun, anak2nya kan masih kcil2.....
peluk sekali lagi ahhhh
Allah menguji orang2 yang dikasihi-NYA,Insyaallah Sakit yang pernah diderita menghapuskan Dosa2 Almarhum, sebagai balasan atas kesabaran & keikhlasan dalam menjalaninya....
BalasHapusTetap tegar & kuat dalam Lindungan & pemeliharaan Allah ya Kak...
Peluk dari Jauh...
"Cut Devi K"
lam kenal bunda..... asik jg baca puisinya (eh puisi kan? hehhe.....)
BalasHapusmakasih ya Yunda, Glo, VK and Devi tuk supportnya... :-)
BalasHapus@Intan: salam kenal kembali... iya say puisi dari lubuk hati yang terdalam :-)
Cut Maha Ratu, a very touching poem. I read your poem again and again and frankly speaking with tears in my eyes. MGBU always my dear.
BalasHapusMakasih bunda Yati..... Senangnya bunda mau berkunjung kesini. Semoga bunda juga sehat selalu yaa....:-)